Bugout bag: Readymade Bug Out Bag, Go Bag, Bug Out Kit

A bugout bag has to be one of the first parts of planning for a disaster, whether a manmade or natural one. The important pointers to keep in mind when putting together your collection of survival gear are:

  • The size of your family
  • The health of family members
  • How many adults and or children are in your household
  • The climate

In addition to these considerations, it is a good idea to learn about what makes a good kit. Some of the must-follow rules for a great bugout bag are:

  • A bag that is easy to carry with a good range of compartments - ie: it being a backpack or a bag or some other type of carrier that has wheels.
  • It needs to be light enough to carry without causing undue strain, remember that depending on the situation you may have to travel far. In some disaster situations you may have to stand in line so you need something on wheels or that is light. 
  • It must be strong to withstand wear and tear. You don’t want to have a bag that will rip and spill its contents easily.

Why Get a Readymade Bugout Bag

For many people, the best choice when it comes to this piece of survival gear is buying a readymade kit. It gives a good starting point on which to build. Online stores such as The Ready Store will offer a good selection from which to choose one. This store carries a variety of sizes such as the standard one person 72-hour kit. Others include:

  • The Ultimate Ready EVAC kit for 4-Persons with food and water that has a shelf life of 5 years
  • Deluxe 72-hour 2-person kit
  • Deluxe 72-hour 1-person kit

Some suppliers like The Ready Store also sell add-on kits with gear that can complete your normal survival kits. For example, the Ready Store’s Sanitation Hygiene Add-On Kit for 5-Persons contains many personal hygiene items such as:

  • Toilet paper
  • Port-a-Potty bags
  • Port-a-Potty chemicals
  • Toothbrushes and toothpaste
  • Razor blades 

Since water is too heavy to carry in adequate amounts, some readymade kits carry filtration products so that you can safely use the water available in rivers or even from collecting rain. Some of these items are:

  • Water purifying tablets
  • Water bottle complete with filter
  • Water filter straws

Buying these kits from online establishments makes it possible to do quick comparisons of cost, items inside the kit and the full weight of the baggage. Having this information allows you to quickly decide what to buy, plus what additional items you can safely include. The items you add will also depend on your locale as an area with poisonous snakes may require that you carry anti-venom. If you have children, anti-itch creams and insect spray or repellant are necessities.

Once you buy your bugout bag, do not just put it aside. You need to examine the contents to see what is useful and what you need to change. Sometimes, the knives and utensils may not be of the best quality and you will need to get sturdier ones.  You may also need to add medication if a family member has a health condition. Some persons even carry pictures of loved ones inside to give them a measure of comfort. 

While a readymade bugout bag may just have the bare minimum, this is definitely better than nothing when disaster strikes. If you have no idea what to do, getting one is the first step in starting your preparation. You will also find that many of these are not very strong, so be prepared for the possibility of replacing the carrier. 

If you live in an area that is prone to natural disasters it makes sense to get a sturdy carrier and to change it when wear and tear is evident. People in hurricane prone areas may need to take their kit and leave home at least once every year. 

Whatever kit you need – start now – and then build it up in the coming weeks.

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